Amazon Fresh a 1st for Ealing and the UK

Amazon launched its first physical Amazon Fresh grocery store in the UK in Ealing today. (04/03/21)
It is an exciting new shopping experience that is probably just a taster of how we will shop in the future. It’s super convenient, but you have to have an Amazon account and a smartphone to enter the store.
There are no tills or cash registers; you simply pick up all the items you require and walk out the door! The Amazon app, which you activate on your phone as you enter the store, takes payment from your registered card as soon as you leave the premises.
It feels a bit unbelievable just putting items into a bag and walking out with a cheery goodbye from staff, but it works, and it is much simpler than the scan-and-go systems currently in use at many supermarkets.
On offer is a variety of ready meals, a good selection of fresh and household products, an Amazon hub for pick-up and returns, a deli, a bakery and coffee to go; it will be hard to ignore.
On the plus side, using this type of technology for shopping could eliminate an epidemic of shoplifting that is costing businesses millions of pounds every year.
It has taken many months of planning and many cabling miles to install the technology, but the launch of Amazon’s innovative new shopping concept in Ealing is a significant affirmation of our town centre offer and location.