Roadworks on The Broadway W5

Letter to stakeholders
Dear Stakeholder
I am writing to you to inform you of Ealing Council’s intent to carry out works for improvements to The Broadway and Haven Green in the vicinity of Ealing Broadway station otherwise known as Crossrail Complementary Measures (CCM). The funding for the project comes from Ealing Council and Transport for London (TfL).
The project was created as a result of the development of Crossrail and the subsequently increased capacity at Ealing Broadway station which will likely result in rising passenger numbers. To safely and efficiently accommodate this expansion, a series of highway improvements have been proposed to the site and the immediate area. The project aims to improve the highway public realm outside of and adjacent to the station to provide an improved and safe highways environment for all highway users, residents and rail users, particularly pedestrians and cyclists.
The council is fully committed to improving local public transport and supporting residents to choose active travel such as walking and cycling over shorter journeys by car. This will not only reduce congestion and improve air quality, but help reach the council’s ambitious target of net-zero for carbon emissions for the borough by 2030, a vital part of its response to the climate emergency.
The main features of the works include,
- Removal of bus lay-by as per the original consultation proposal;
- Bus Stop F outside the station, to be relocated to the approach to the pedestrian crossing;
- The controlled pedestrian crossing has been relocated towards Uxbridge Road by approximately 7m, and widened to 8m;
- Carriageway outside the station remains as 2 through lanes and will be resurfaced
- Footway opposite the station to be widened and resurfaced;
- Loading spaces / drop off points to be introduced on the footway.
Works are programmed to start from 16 May 2022 and are expected to last until early December 2022.
If you would like to find out more about the public realm scheme please visit the council website for updates and information.
Kind Regards
Highways Service
London Borough of Ealing