The guidance legislation changes daily; we will continue to update our business toolkit here.
The medical science is still two metres or one-metre plus. The plus means mitigating factors in place, such as compulsory face masks and hand sanitising stations, not a few extra inches of floor space separating people! So be warned, as Health & Safety officers will be looking for the mitigating factors if you are promoting one-metre social distancing. You can read the government guidelines here Make sure you have your Health & Safety risk assessments in place. We have a template and giudelines here, which can be adapted or look for something more specific on the H&S website. We can add your risk assessment to your directory listing on our website, to satisfy online accessibility issues. See example here.
Health & Safety officers, are duty-bound by law to check that COVID specific risk assessments are in place for premises open for business during this period. If you are concerned about COVID compliance issues or require additional advice, the Health and Safety Executive's Coronavirus (COVID-19): Working safely enquiry service via the online form or telephone service 0300 790 6787 (lines are open Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 8 pm) may be able to help. The council have also set up a specific contact email to deal with business COVID enquiry issues
Sources of further advice and guidance can be found here: - Guidance for customer-facing shops and branches - Advice on being COVID Secure - How to carry out a risk assessment - Example of a risk assessment - How to reduce the risk and control Legionella