Food Safety Level 2 online training is now available.

This accredited online course is for anyone working in a catering or hospitality setting where food is prepared, cooked and served. It aims to raise awareness and understanding of food hygiene issues and will enable learners to fulfil their obligations under food hygiene regulations. More details via You Tube here. (Skip the advert at the start).

There is a necessary requirement of reading and writing English skills to do the course and covers,

  1. Improve your food safety – Ensure knowledge of food safety among all staff is at the required level
  2. Combat microbiological hazards – Understand microbiological hazards and how to manage and reduce them
  3. Avoid food poisoning – Get to grips with how food poising occurs, and the measures needed to prevent it
  4. Control contamination hazards – Learn the essentials on contamination control and how to implement preventative measures
  5. Address personal hygiene – Food handlers have a responsibility to observe high standards of personal hygiene
  6. Handle cleaning and disinfection – Improve knowledge of how to effectively clean and disinfect your food preparation areas
  7. Control pests – Don’t let pests become a menace, find out how to prevent a pest problem
  8. Safely handle and store food – Know the best way to stock and handle food to preserve the highest quality
  9. Food safety management systems – Learn how to successfully implement food safety management systems such as HACCP

Please call the BID office for more details on how to register 02085 677854 or email