
Volunteer With Us

Something for everyone! We sell a variety of donated clothes and accessories, books, and homewares. We also sell Fairtrade food and drink as well as a range of greetings cards. We specialise in selling stamps and postcards and welcome donations of foreign currency and stamps.  


NHS Volunteer Responders Needed

In a recent survey of people who have been supported by NHS Volunteer Responders, 85% of survey respondents felt that the service was “very important” to them. Thank you to all volunteers for the help you continue to provide to vulnerable people. We’re currently looking for more volunteers to support throughout winter. Please sign up…


Community Reserve Volunteer

Help your community in a crisis We can help you share your kindness with those who need it most. By becoming a community reserve volunteer, you will help your community get back on track in the event of a major local emergency. This may be particularly important right now and we are working with the…


BEAT Artists

BEAT (Borough of Ealing Art Trail) Artists to exhibit in the Rickyard, Walpole Park OVERVIEW Pitzhanger Manor & Gallery Trust (PMGT) are looking for up to five artists to exhibit their work in the Rickyard in Walpole Park, during the London Borough of Ealing Art Trail over two weekends during 5–6th and 12–13th September 2020….